The Course

Life's got a habit of throwing curveballs, and sometimes it feels like we're batting in the dark. That's why we've put together a program that's all about equipping you with the psychological and practical tools to dodge life's fastballs and curveballs with ease. Dive into the art and science of resilience as we explore stress management, the power of a growth mindset, and the secrets to adaptability. This course is your playbook for transforming challenges into fuel for your personal and professional growth.

Get ready to level up your comeback game! By integrating real-life scenarios with interactive exercises, you'll learn how to turn setbacks into comebacks — and do it all on purpose. Whether you're navigating career transitions, personal loss, or just the everyday grind, the strategies you'll take away from this course will help you stay on your feet and keep moving forward. You'll leave not just bouncing back, but bouncing back better, armed with a resilience toolbox that'll make all the difference both in the office and at home.

What you will learn

Starting this course, I'll be honest, it wasn't just a spur of the moment idea. It came from watching so many incredible people, just like you, hitting rough patches and looking for that spring in their step to bounce back even stronger. I've poured my heart and experience into designing each step of this journey, making sure it's not only insightful but also super accessible – like, you'll always know what's coming next and why it's important. Think of it as your personal toolkit, where each lesson builds on the last, so by the end, you'll have this solid foundation to keep you steady no matter how shaky things get. It's not just about getting back up; it's about doing it with purpose and knowing that you've got an organized, thought-through strategy in your corner, cheering you on as you rediscover your resilience.


Available in days
days after you enroll
  Understanding Personal Core Values
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Crafting a Personal Mission Statement
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Strategies for Bouncing Back
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Integrating Values into Daily Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Your instructor

Levon Wright has cultivated an extensive career in teaching and personal development, channeling his expertise into the empowering realm of resilience training. With a rich background in psychology and over a decade of experience facilitating workshops focused on mental toughness and adaptable thinking, Levon has become a trusted guide for individuals seeking to thrive in the face of adversity. His hands-on approach and deep understanding of the interconnectedness of emotional well-being and success have enabled countless students to rediscover their inner strength and harness their potential.

At the helm of "The Resilience Remix: Bouncing Back on Purpose," Levon's dynamic teaching style brings to life the principles of resilience in a way that is both accessible and transformative. His passion for the subject is woven through each lesson, where he draws from a tapestry of personal stories, scientific research, and practical strategies. Levon's dedication to the course stems from a core belief that resilience is not a trait one is simply born with, but a skill that can be cultivated and mastered, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.


Engineering Your Personal Revolution for Robust Recovery


Navigating Life's Challenges with Intentional Adaptability


Cultivating Inner Strength for Dynamic Endurance